An explanation on all our crates, what you can get from them and how to get the keys
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An explanation on all our crates, what you can get from them and how to get the keys
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If you have discord you are also able to get keys through giveaways, and use store vouchers gotten from top voter of the month and /daily to redeem keys
We also do key alls in game
At the crate Museum Located at the left of the crate warp (-79, 157) There is a crate museum where you can see all of the crate keys, monthly crates and Lootboxs.
Rarity: 1/6
How to obtain: voting for the server, vote parties, /rewards, crate key bundle from medal trader
-Vote wand (70%)
-$1500 (35%)
-$3000 (25%)
-$5000 (15%)
-$7000 (5%)
-16 diamonds (25%)
-4 emeralds (20%)
-2 golden apples (20%)
-32 xp bottles (20%)
-64 xp bottles (15%)
-2 chicken spawn eggs (15%)
-2 cow spawn eggs (15%)
-2 sheep spawn eggs (15%)
-2 pig spawn eggs (15%)
-villager spawn egg (5%)
-cow spawner (10%)
-pig spawner (10%)
-chicken spawner (10%)
-sheep spawner (7%)
-Hero rank 7 days (1%)
-Simple Mystic book (10%)
-Unique Mystic book (5%)
-Farmer kit (30%)
-Mending (6%)
-Efficiency 3 (16%)
-Sharpness 3 (11%)
-Timber kit (25%)
Preview of Vote crate
Rarity: 1/6
How to obtain: crates, /rewards, online store, key exchanger npc, crate key bundle from medal trader, essence trader
-$5000 (35%)
-$10000 (25%)
-$25000 (10%) -$70000 (5%)
-Netherite upgrade template (25%)
-Totem of undying (25%)
-Uncommon pickaxe (12%)
-10 golden apples (8%)
-3 enchanted golden apples (18%)
-72 xp bottles (20%)
-128 xp bottles (10%)
-Hero rank 7days (1%)
-Champion rank 7days (0.5%)
-Uncommon Pickaxe (12%)
-Uncommon axe (14%)
-Uncommon shovel (18%)
-Uncommon sword (20%)
-Easel (25%)
-Canvas (25%)
-Hotfixer (10%)
-Scroll bomb (16%)
-Bandage (24%)
Preview of Uncommon crate
Rarity: 2/6
How to obtain: crates, /rewards, online store, key exchanger npc, crate key bundle from medal trader, booster reward for boosting discord server
-$50000 (15%)
-$75000 (10%)
-$100000 (5%)
-$150000 (5%)
-Dungeon Lootbox 2 (18%)
-Silk pickaxe (20%)
-Silk axe (20%)
-Fortune pickaxe (20%)
-Fortune axe (20%)
-Kyanite helmet (5%)
-Kyanite chestplate (5%)
-Kyanite leggings (5%)
-Kyanite boots (5%)
-Lost miner helmet (5%)
-Lost miner chestplate (5%)
-Lost miner leggings (5%)
-Lost miner boots (5%)
-Opal helmet (12%)
-Opal chestplate (12%)
-Opal leggings (12%)
-Opal boots (12%)
-Spawner Crate Key (5%)
-Uncommon Crate Key 2 (30%)
-Rare Crate Key 2 (5%)
-Epic Crate Key (2%)
Preview of Rare crate
Rarity: 2/6
How to obtain: crates, online store, key exchanger npc, essence trader Contents:
-$5500 (25%)
-$3500 (30%)
-$7500 (15%)
-$6500 (20%)
-$1500 (40%)
-$7200 (17%)
-Spawner Crate Key (27%)
-Uncommon Crate Key (35%)
-Rare Crate Key (5%)
-Epic Crate Key (2%)
-Amber Sword (15%)
-Topaz Sword (10%)
-Ruby Shovel (20%)
-CONFUSED!!! (35%)
-Water Bucket (45%)
-Grass Block 64 (40%)
-Dirt 64 (40%)
-White Shulker Box (35%)
-Pink Shulker Box (20%)
-Red Shulker Box (25%)
-Run With me (35%)
-Confusion helmet (15%)
-Confusion chestplate (15%)
-Confusion leggings (15%)
-Confusion boots (15%)
-Honey Block 16 (25%)
-Common Scroll (20%)
Rarity: 3/6
How to obtain: crates, online store, key exchanger npc, booster reward for boosting discord server, top voter of the month
-$190000 (20%)
-$250000 (15%)
-$400000 (10%)
-$550000 (5%)
-Mythical pickaxe (20%)
-Mythical elytra (20%)
-Master kit (15%)
-48 golden apples (20%)
-16 enchanted apples (8%)
-6 cow spawners (5%)
-4 zombie spawners (5%)
-3 creeper spawners (2%)
-4 skeleton spawners (2%)
-2 iron golem spawners (10%)
-Champion rank (1%)
-Ancient key (15%)
-Legendary key (8%)
-1 mythical scrolls (20%)
-Slime cloak (10%)
-Polar bear cloak (8%)
-Mob slayer relic (7%)
-Swordsman relic (4%) -Lost artifact (4%)
-Burning rod (6%)
-Tanker soul (4%)
-Heart of ender (10%)
-Spider eye (6%)
Rarity: 4/6
How to obtain: crates, online store, key exchanger npc
-$450000 (29%)
-$750000 (15%)
-$900000 (10%)
-$1500000 (5%)
-16 totems of undying & 24 enchanted golden apples (10%)
-Ancient sword (8%)
-Ancient pickaxe (20%)
-Ancient elytra (19%)
-5 creeper spawners (8%)
-2 iron golem spawners (1%)
-3 villager spawners (1%)
-1 shulker spawner (1%)
-Hero rank 30days (19%)
-Champion rank 30days (14%)
-Master rank 30days (11%)
-2 ancient keys (18%)
-2 legendary keys (10%)
-1 dungeon key (5%)
-2 mythical scrolls (20%)
-1 legendary scrolls (15%) -Ankylosaurus helmet (8%)
-Parasaurlophus helmet (12%)
-Triceratops helmet (9%)
-Tyrannosaurus helmet (8%)
-Brachiosaurus helmet (15%)
-Black cat helmet (10%)
-Goat helmet (9%)
Rarity: 3/6
How to obtain: crates, online store, /rewards, key exchanger, crate keys bundle from medal trader, booster reward for boosting discord server, top voter of the month Contents:
-$75000 (15%)
-$150000 (10%)
-$200000 (5%)
-$250000 (5%)
-$350000 (5%)
-Master kit (15%)
-Hero kit (15%)
-Champion kit (15%)
-Legend kit (12%)
-Epic pickaxe (20%)
-Epic axe (20%)
-8 enchanted golden apples (8%)
-Hero rank 14days (19%)
-Champion rank 14days (14%)
-Master rank 14days (11%)
-Permant /feed command (5%)
-Permant /heal command (3%)
-Permant /near command (5%)
-Permant /fixall command (1%)
-Armour trim lootbox (8%)
-Mythical key (10%) -Ancient key (5%)
-2x plenty repair (11%)
-2x small mana potion (13%)
Rarity: 3/6
How to obtain: crates, online store, key exchanger npc
-1 cow spawner (50%)
-1 pig spawner (50%)
-1 spider spawner (50%)
-1 iron golem spawner (10%)
-1 sheep spawner (50%)
-1 shulker spawner (3%)
-1 cat spawner (10%)
-1 enderman spawner (10%)
-1 zombie spawner (60%)
-1 wither skeleton spawner (10%)
-1 villager spawner (9%)
-1 creeper spawner (15%)
-1 chicken spawner (67%)
-1 blaze spawner (70%)
-1 cave sider spawner (38%)
-1 skeleton spawner (50%)
-1 witch spawner (26%)
-1 cod spawner (10%)
-1 vindicator spawner (10%)
-1 slime spawner (30%)
-1 mooshroom spawner (25%)
-1 ghast spawner (10%)
-1 hoglin spawner (15%)
-1 zombie villager spawner (15%)
-1 camel spawner (15%)
-1 evoker spawner (10%)
-1 ravager spawner (3%)
Rarity: 6/6
How to obtain: crates, online store, key exchanger npc, top voter of the month
-Legendary helmet (12%)
-Legendary chestplate (12%)
-Legendary leggings (12%)
-Legendary boots (12%)
-Legendary wings (2%)
-Legendary helmet 2.0 (5%)
-Legendary chestplate 2.0 (4%)
-Legendary leggings 2.0 (4%)
-Legendary boots 2.0 (4%)
-Legendary blade (12%)
-Legendary sword (3%)
-Legendary bow (12%)
-Legendary pickaxe (12%)
-Legendary axe (12%)
-Legendary elytra (4%)
-Master rank 30d (15%)
-Legend rank 30d (4%)
-Legendary staff (4%)
-/sell all command permanent (10%)
-/fix all command permanent (6%)
-private vault #2 (10%)
-private vault #4 (5%)
-private vault #6 (2%)
-private vault #8 (2%)
-private vault #10 (1%)
-radiant ring (13%)
-red ring (8%)
-breezehands ring (5%)
-thunderclap amulet (4%)
-sylvan band (4%)
-warden plushie helmet (1%)
-zoglin plushie helmet (5%)
-wither skeleton plushie helmet (8%)
-1 attribute point (7%)
-plethora repair 4 (16%)
-Abundance 5 (17%)
-Dracula's Ash 3 (11%)
-Runestone Lootbox (13%)
-Easter Lootbox (7%)
-Lunar Lootbox (9%)
-Exotic Key (6%)
-Piggy bank (13%)
-Mob catcher 2 (17%)
-Sellwand 1.5x 500uses (19%)
-Sellwand 1.8x 400uses (19%)
-Sellwand 2x 300uses (11%)
-Fire dragon (9%)
-Assassin (9%)
-Yellow Budgie (15%)
-Ruincator Relic (13%)
-Soulfire Belt (11%)
-Belt of Wisdom (14%)
Rarity: 5/6
How to obtain: crates, online store
-Astral Amulet (19%)
-Bounce Amulet (19%)
-Stale Treat Amulet (12%)
-Halloween Amulet (9%)
-Celestial Circlet (8%)
-Candied Amulet (14%)
-Unnerving Amulet (13%)
-Arcanum Amulet (15%)
-Elixir Amulet (14%)
-Frostwyrm Helmet (10%)
-Frostwyrm Chestplate (9%)
-Frostwyrm Leggings (8%)
-Frostwyrm Boots (8%)
-Runestone Lootbox (19%)
-Arctic Owl Helmet (19%)
-Arctic Owl Chestplate (9%)
-Arctic Owl Leggings (9%)
-Arctic Owl Boots (9%)
-Frostwyrm Sword (10%)
-Frostwyrm Axe (13%)
-Frostwyrm Staff (9%)
-Frostwyrm Wings (7%)
-Frostwyrm Shield (6%)
-Arctic Owl Helmet+ (5%)
-Arctic Owl Sword (11%)
-Arctic Owl Staff (8%)
-Arctic Owl Wings (10%)
-Scorched Ember Helmet (7%)
-Scorched Ember Chestplate (7%)
-Scorched Ember Leggings (7%)
-Scorched Ember Boots (7%)
-Scorched Ember Wings (7%)
-Scorched Ember Vermilion (9%)
-Arctic Owl Pickaxe (10%)
-Arctic Owl Shield (12%)
-Pleathora 12 (19%)
-Abundance 16 (15%)
-Dracula's Ash 14 (13%)
-Archangel Slime (6%)
-Yellow Ring (19%)
-2 Spooder Scrolls (15%)
-Runicator Relic (10%)
-FrostBinder Staff (10%)
Rarity: 7/7
How to obtain: crates, online store, key exchanger npc
-Bee helmet skin (65%)
-Santa helmet skin (60%)
-Pheonix helmet skin (60%)
-Valkyrie helmet skin (60%)
-2 Demolishers III (40%)
-Bee 10 souls (40%)
-Santa 10 souls (40%)
-Pheonix 10 souls (40%)
-Valkyrie 10 souls (40%)
-Bee helmet (35%)
-Bee chestplate (25%)
-Bee leggings (25%)
-Bee boots (25%)
-Bee stinger (22%)
-Predator shield (12%)
-Santa helmet (43%)
-Santa chestplate (37%)
-Santa leggings (47%)
-Santa boots (27%)
-Santammer (46%)
-Reindeer nose (35%)
-Pheonix helmet (34%)
-Pheonix chestplate (39%)
-Pheonix leggings (39%)
-Pheonix boots (25%)
-Vermillion (19%)
-Pheonix wing (25%)
-Valkyrie helmet (20%)
-Valkyrie chestplate (20%)
-Valkyrie leggings (20%)
-Valkyrie boots (20%)
-Rampage spear (15%)
-Mighty shiela (15%)
How to obtain: Bosses, online store
Contents: - 3 Compressed Rock - 3 Polisher - 3 Hotfixer - 3 Plenty - 2 Ultimate - 2 Abundance - Crimson Horns - Verdant Horns - Violet Arches Horns - Health Potion - Mana Potion - Bottled Strength II - Bottled Vamprism II - Bottled Sorcery II - Bottled Precision II - 2 Rare keys - 2 Epic Keys - Spawner key - 2 Rune Scraper - Spooder Scroll - Rune of Unbreaking I - Rune of Unbreaking II
Preview of Confusion Crate
Preview of Mythical crate
Preview of Ancient crate
Preview of Epic crate
Preivew of Legendary Crate
Preview of Exotic crate
Preivew of Dungeon Lootbox
Contents of monthly crate change frequently, the contents can range from runes, furniture, crate keys, orbs, custom rpg armour and weapons, sell wands, rpginv items and more CURRENT MONTHLY CRATE HALLOWEEN 2024
November 2021 Monthly crate
November 2022 Monthly crate
Anniversary 2023 Monthly crate
Christmas 2023 Monthly crate
Halloween 2023 Monthly crate
Valentine 2024 Monthly crate
Summer 2024 Monthly crate